Thursday, July 23, 2009

'Joy Of Giving' week

Many people would be interested in helping people, they want to do something good for orphans, support a cause, etc...But they don't know how..Well, here is an opportunity for such people to reach out to someone less privileged - by providing money, your time, your skills or just simple acts of kindness...Be a part of 'Joy Of Giving' week to be held from September 27 to October 3 across India.

'Joy Of Giving' is a volunteer driven initiative hosted in GiveIndia and it aims at bringing together people from all walks of life to engage in acts of giving in the form of money, time, skills or just simple acts of kindness. It is a platform for all across the country to celebrate the joy of giving.

For more details visit

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  1. Its really a valuable information...
    hope ppl go thru dis event vill have joy in giving...
    I jz want to know whether there is any event in Hyderabad like this....
    If so plz mail me at

  2. If there is no such programme going in hyderbad... its gud that sum NGO start working for it with the intrested ppl...

  3. Hi Anjali,

    The Joy of Giving Week team will also organize some city-specific events that bring a large number of NGOs together. For instance, Chennai and Hyderabad will see a “Battle of Buffets” event where 5* hotels of the city offer their best buffets free of cost and every NGO can sell seats at the lavish event for Rs5,000 each.

    And this is what you can do irrespective of where you are..

    1. Organise a clothes collection drive in your building or college
    2. Volunteer 3-4 hours in the week with an NGO on a specific activity- creating an MIS for an NGO, helping with their documentation, just filing and sorting the data that they may have
    3. Give a couple of days off to your household help and do their work instead
    4. Engage in shramdaan – offer to clean the premises of your temple, mosque or church.
    5. Give up something that you feel maybe really difficult – icecream, coffee, the extra chapatti…and treat a child on the street or in your neighborhood instead.
    6. Visit an elderly relative you may have forgotten about in many years.


  4. Firstly,i appreciate ur work,providing info for those who volunteer to work for social cause.I too want to be a part of such activities.but i am not getting any cause,i want to do sumthng but i dnt knw where 2 strt.Can u plz help.
    My problem is dat i am a student studying btech 3rd year in tamilnadu,but i am native of hyderabad,i cum 2 home nly during vacations.i dnt knw about any organisation and how 2 join and what work i have 2 do.can organisations accpt guys who cum nd work during vacations and go?.....
    i hope u definitely provide me sufficient info on this

  5. Hi ashok,

    It is not necessary for you to join an organization if you want to help. It's upto you whether you want to join or not. You can go to your nearby orphanages/oldage homes in tamilnadu/hyderabad whenever you have some time. If you want to visit the orphanages/oldage homes in Hyderabad, you can find the list of orphanages here, . Or you can message me when u come to Hyd.


  6. samag is seek a miracle ataxia mainly focus on to help ataxia patients.we do different projects .if u r interested plz go throw our web site
